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Types of IT Security

Types of Cyber Security Every Company Must Consider

With so many types of cyber security solutions now available, one would assume that the risk of a cyber attack has decreased over recent years. Sadly, this is not the case. Cyber security attacks have become part of the global technology bedrock, with cyber-warfare dominating headlines. Ransomware and malware assaults to infrastructure, governments, and businesses are having a destabilizing effect. Without solid cyber credentials and countermeasures, organizations risk their future.


Cyber Resilience


An essential ingredient of risk management in this hyper-connected world is aggressively protecting business data and sensitive intelligence. Billions of dollars have been squandered on old and ineffectual approaches to ultra-modern attack vectors.

The internet provides remarkable benefits to global business, whether a company adopts the Cloud or uses a single email account. An immense number of cyber security tools exist to help a company plan for growth and security.

Cyber threats continue to become more complex and disruptive. Attackers bait the IT staff into making quick and vulnerable fixes to a business ecosystem. Cyber security experts caution, some attacks are meant to distract, while backdoors are used to enter primary applications. These deadly attacks are costing time, money, and productivity.


Emerging ThreatsTypes of IT Security Risks - Malware


Every enterprise is cognizant of the devastating effects of ransomware, malicious code, and phishing. Companies must protect themselves against current attack vectors while preparing for the worst.

Emerging Threats:

  • Distortion. Hackers distort technology information that businesses publish daily. The material is filtered through a cyber attacker and radically altered. The result is another form of ransomware, making it challenging for an organization to get the truth out.
  • Untested AI. Cyber security experts have cautioned against businesses using untested artificial intelligence to counteract cyber attackers. Untested AI and machine learning leave gaping holes for exposure to assaults.
  • Cloud Jacking.  This is when attackers enter open holes in cloud platforms, reconfiguring company code.
  • Mobile Malware. This is a malicious code explicitly used on smartphones. The malware is later transmitted to the desktop.
  • DeepFakes. These types of attacks are coming into their own as one of the most destructive malware codes. Deepfakes use artificial intelligence to exploit images and voice files.
  • Developed Ransomware. These premade kits are now readily available on the dark web.

Be Proactive


A proactive approach to cyber-attack allows the enterprise to forecast the future and plan accordingly. The aggressive, pro-active culture means your team is committed to prevention rather than always preparing for an ambush.

Every enterprise must take a Pro-Active approach to secure its digital assets. Without this active attitude, the enterprise faces a long continuing uphill struggle.

The enterprise must identify security vulnerabilities in each of its operational segments. Cloud Security has become hugely popular and a universal necessity. Even though the Cloud has enhanced security protocols, added software must be applied, alerting administrators to suspicious actions.

Open network holes and structural vulnerabilities are a growing source of entry for cyber-attackers. Security should come from firewalls, endpoint management, and multi-factor authentication schemes.

Applications that drive a business to success are highly susceptible to attack, requiring zero-trust,  advanced encryption techniques, with multi-factor logins a prerequisite.


The Cloud or On-Premise?Types of IT Security - Cloud security solutions


Data security has grown into a significant worry for every organization, with every form of cyber security attack growing exponentially. Companies have migrated to Cloud solutions because of the vast growth opportunities and security. Cyber security risk management for the enterprise is strengthened and more effective when using advanced security frameworks delivered from a Cloud platform.

Which one is better?

On-Premise cyber security offers unique advantages over other forms of protection. Servers, workstations, and network appliances on-premise can provide infinite customization opportunities.  Though pricey, on-premise allows engineers the time to develop fully personalized and flexible solutions.

Regulatory compliance is another advantage of on-premise solutions. Industries such as legal, healthcare, and financial may be required to comply with data storage and sharing regulations. Other industries find cloud storage more secure because their data is in the Cloud and not easily accessible.

Risk considerations in the Cloud are mitigated when security providers stay compliant and practice due diligence. Consider this, August 2020, Gartner reported that clients caused 95% of cloud security failures.

Cutting-edge technology is growing at an accelerating pace. The on-premise approach is costly and becomes antiquated in a short time. The Cloud stores your data permanently, is highly scalable, and quickly becomes part of the enterprise infrastructure.

Types of Cyber Security Solutions for the Distributed Enterprise


The following six companies are the cream of the crop. There are thousands of cyber security consultant tools and services; however, a few have extensive technology to combat attacks now and into the future.

Cisco Umbrella is a cloud-delivered, cyber security services portal unlike any in the world. Umbrella provides unparalleled network security and threat protection. Cisco continues to be a next-generation company, offering cyber security tools for the global community.

CA Technologies supplies security solutions for large, distributed networks, infrastructure, and mainframe computing. The company has developed endpoint security models for enhanced productivity and adaptation to the enterprise.

AppGuard has developed into a trusted cyber security company on a global scale. The company’s zero-trust endpoint management design is an ideal solution for diversified networks.

Cyber Security tools for smaller firms focus on single small office applications. The good news, most rudimentary solutions for young businesses are sufficient to thwart most assaults. Cyber-criminals who face significant obstacles would soon move on to an easier mark.


Cyber Security Experts Have Recommended the Following Solutions for Small Businesses


  • Bitdefender is great for small office security. The solution is a Cloud-based protection model with monthly subscription arrangements.
  • Fireeye is a small and mid-size answer for common cyber threats to offices with fewer than 100 employees. Affordable, with scaling for the thriving enterprise.
  • Microsoft Zero-Trust can benefit any company of any size. Whether the office has ten employees or thousands distributed across the globe, Microsoft and its diverse suite of applications can secure your business anywhere.


Enterprise Cyber-Security has multiple players at all levels of design, implementation, and responsibility. Protecting on-premise assets and cloud infrastructure from the coming advanced cyber-attacks will take an aggressive and proactive approach.

There is an unlimited number of tools and services available to counter the aggressive tactics of cyber-criminals. The modern enterprise cannot afford to take a wait-and-see approach any longer.



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Zach Mesel

Zach Mesel

Technology is in Zach’s blood. Zach spent much of his youth in his father’s cardiac research labs, either as a test subject for his father’s research, or playing games with his older brother on mainframe computers. Zach earned his BS in Management Information Systems in 1988 from the University of Arizona, and then worked for IBM in Boulder, Colorado, and Palo Alto, California until 1995. He started Wooden Spoon in 2002.